maandag 2 oktober 2017

Body by simone

Personal training and fitness club in New York and Los Angeles. Our mission is to empower, inspire and encourage our clients to use exercise as a key to . In our library of online videos, you'll .

In Body By Simone, Simone De La Rue, the personal trainer for some of the hottest bodies in Hollywoo shares her fitness secrets and teaches women how to . Sweaty Betty presents Body By Simone. Watch the official GF4F fitness video for a high energy full body workout by celebrity trainer Simone De La Rue. Get Fit Free with Sweaty Betty and LA Celebrity Trainer Simone De La Rue.

Simone de la Rue, the legitimately high kicking trainer to the stars is famous for her signature dance cardio. Simone is a rising star in the fitness world. She used to work for Tracy Anderson and now owns her own studio.

Body By Simone is an exclusive boutique where clients can feel.

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